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Despite rapid strides being made in the field of cataract eye surgery in the last few decades, it continues to remain the leading cause of reversible blindness in our country. We at The Eye Foundation have been pioneers in the field of cataract eye surgery offering cutting-edge technologies with world-class infrastructure and assures a high standard of care to a large population. Cataract Eye Surgery Cost in The Eye Foundation is affordable and advanced surgical equipment is used to get high vision precision results.
Types Of Cataracts:
- 1. Mature Cataracts: The seasoned veterans, mature cataracts have hardened and significantly cloud the lens, causing severe vision impairment. These typically require surgery for restoration of sight.
- 2. Immature Cataracts: Still in their early stages, immature cataracts cause mild to moderate vision blurriness or sensitivity to light. While surgery isn’t always immediate, monitoring and discussing options with your doctor is important
- 3. Cortical Cataracts: These wedge-shaped opacities form in the outer layers of the lens, potentially affecting peripheral vision and night vision. Depending on the severity, treatment may involve surgery or observation.
- 4. Congenital Cataracts: Present at birth or developing in early childhood, these cataracts can vary in severity and require personalized treatment plans to protect and optimize vision development.

How Does Cataract Form?
The natural crystalline lens of our eye is clear which allows light to be focused clearly on the retina. With aging, this lens loses its transparency and gradually becomes clouded thereby impairing vision.
What are the Causes of Eye Cataracts?
Aging, is the most common cause of eye cataract infection. But there are other reasons for cataract infection:
- Secondary Cataract: The loss of eye vision post to the cataract surgery ends up in Secondary Cataract. Patients experiencing secondary cataracts have the least chance to get eye infections again. Medications are prescribed to eradicate the infection.
- Traumatic Cataract: Development of cataract due to the high impact of injuries in the eye that makes the optic nerve lose its strength and vision.
- Congenital Cataract: Cataract infections are found at the eye’s lens from the Birth day of the babies/child/adult. The reasons behind the congenital cataracts are mainly due to the Genital hierarchy of the infected’s parent. Failing to treat the cataract at the earliest may result in permanent blindness.
- Radiation Cataract: Radiation exposure may cause loss of your optic vision and cause eye cataracts. Improper and non-periodic eye dosage leads to cataract formation
When Does your Cataract Require Treatment?
Cataract eye surgery can be performed at any stage once it starts interfering with the daily activities of the individual. With the advent of techniques and technology, cataract operation can be performed in a safe and effective manner even in the early stages and one need not wait for the cataract to mature. In fact, more advanced and harder cataracts are associated with an increased incidence of complications earlier the better.